牧師・伝道師紹介 Pastor, Preacher
〇牧師 大下 正人(オオシモ マサト)
Senior Pastor Masato Ohshimo
Born in 1971. After ministering at Koishikawahakusan church, Tokyo, Odaka church, Fukushima, and Yaita church, Tochigi, he was ordained as senior pastor at Mashiko church in Nov. 2014. He was ordained as assistant pastor at Nishinasuno church in Apr. 2015, so he ministered both churches for 5 years. Living at Nasushiobara city, he commuted to Mashiko for Sat. worship. He moved Mashiko town with his wife, Yoko in Apr. 2020 and became a full-time pastor for Mashiko Church.
〇伝道師 大下 陽子(オオシモ ヨウコ)
東京生まれ、埼玉県大宮で育つ。キリスト同信会東京集会にて、中学2年生の時に受洗。2024年3月日本基督教団教師検定試験 補教師試験合格(Cコース)。2024年5月29日日本基督教団関東教区より准允を受け、益子教会の伝道師に就任。
Preacher Yoko Ohshimo
Born in Tokyo, raised in Omiya, Saitama. Baptized in the 2nd year of junior high school at Christ Doushinkai Tokyo (Nakano Parkside Church). Passed the licensed preacher’exams during the spring 2024 of the United Church of Christ in Japan (C course). On May 29, 2024, licensed at the Kanto district assembly and became a licensed preacher at Mashiko Church.
2024年6月16日 伝道師就任式